August 20, 2011

August 17, 2011

  • One month!!!

    I have made it to the one month mark! 

    Seriously wish the cravings would completely go away.

    Just being real.

August 15, 2011

  • Almost....

    I almost caved today.  Eric brought home supper.  (Mexican food) AND soda AND a donut dessert. 

    Know what I ate?  Burritos & Water.  Yes, I survived, and I didn't give in to the temptation.  AND I didn't gripe at him about it.

    Go me! 

    One thing that worried me, it was such a strong temptation.  Just hope I can keep being strong.  Really unsure how long I can keep this up.  Just being real.

August 14, 2011

  • If I can...

    If I can hold on, and not give in to the cravings, it will be one month this week. 

    I've purposely not weighed myself again, just waiting for the one month mark.  Surely, I will see a difference, and that will help motivate me to keep going.

    Also, my schedule is about to change DRASTICALLY, so please, bear with me.  Thanks!

    AND, by the way, where is everyone?  With Summer ending soon, I just assumed people would be back blogging about all there Summer stuff.  Hope to see you all soon! 

August 9, 2011

  • Almost 3 weeks!!!

    I'm amazed that I've made it this long!  Hope I can keep it up! 

    I'll try to keep you posted. 

August 6, 2011

  • Which do I believe?

    When I first arrived at Pa's, it was late at night.  I couldn't wait another minute and hurried to weigh myself.  In two weeks, it said that I had lost NOTHING!!!  Not one measly little pound!!


    The next morning when I weighed, it said that I had lost 4 pounds.

    Now, which do I believe?  Here's my thinking.  I'll give it another week, then weigh again (same time and same scales)to see if there is a great difference or not.

    BTW, do you have any idea how BAD I want to quit this diet????  Yet, I have an even stronger desire to not fail again.

    Make sense?

    Okay, more rambling later! Thanks for the patient reading.

August 2, 2011

  • Tomorrow will be 2 weeks!!!

    I'll be out of town for the next few days.  Tomorrow, I will weigh myself and see how this is REALLY going.

    Eating more protien, but I'm still not energetic like I thought I'd be. 

    I'll post when I get back home.

July 31, 2011

  • Day 11

    I have behaved even while eating out today.  It's the toughest because there are no labels to read, so I can't be 100% sure.  I just chose what should be sugar free (grilled chicken, etc).  While others sat with their dessert (ice cream), I kept drinking my water and talking.  Yay!  Now, if I can just stick with it.  Each day is a challenge, but I sure hope it's worth it.

    I realized today that I need to be careful and eat more protien and more often.  I was very weak, dizzy, and faint by the time I did eat today.  I  couldn't think straight.  Pretty sure my blood sugar was too low by that point.  Well, lesson learned. 

    I'm going to be very busy this next week, so I won't be able to do daily updates, but I'll try to at least keep up weekly updates.  The rest I'll just have to journal on paper.

    Love and hugs to all!!!   (((((ALL)))))  See, you are LOVED!!! 

July 30, 2011

July 29, 2011

  • Day 9

    Seriously, if people on Biggest Loser can lose multiple pounds in a week, surely I call lose a pound in 2 weeks!

    I just really don't want to fail....again.  Besides, I just got through the worst of the headaches.

    I need energy and weightloss.  I'm just wondering if I will get either on this thing.

    Sorry.  I'm trying to quit the whinning.  Please, be patient with me.  Thanks.